
Exit Row Duties

So, this Stewardess logged some major flight time over the winter holidays, working out of the busy hub at Osakas's Kansai Airport, moonlighting with both United and Japan Airlines flights.
What happens in Bangkok, get in cab and in the blink of an eye you could be at the driver's cousin's brother in law's jewelry shop, intended to fall for a scam, instead the desired destination. We even got kicked out of one cab for refusing the offer, after I stated 'I HATE jewelry!' Nevermind that I was making it at this time last year.

First impressions were Thailand reminded me of Mexico, a bit run down, lots of shiny gold religious imagery, bright, colorful, SPICY food, but with the most international mix of people I've seen yet in my travels.

Christmas in Bangkok was spent on a scenic boat cruise down the river that runs through the center of the city, traditional Thai food, dancing, and music, except when the woman playing the traditional Thai musical instrument, of which I do not know the name, slipped into a thoroughly Thai verison of Jingle Bells.

But the real gem of time spent in Thailand was spent on the island of Koh Pha Ngan, off of Koh Samui on the EAST coast of southern Thailand. Never once did I consider going to Phuket, having heard of its status as a major tourist spot. So when the tsunami hit, the day we arrived on the island, on the 26th, we saw nothing but a calm paradise. An oddly surreal experience...

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